About Search Secondhand

searchsecondhand.com.au directory helps you quickly and effectively locate second hand shops of all categories throughout Australia.

All stores advertised are walk in shops, yards or markets.

searchsecondhand.com.au delivers fast and accurate store information results based on your selected category and/or location. You also have the option to save your favourite stores.

Each store has a thorough description of the items they sell and also includes their opening hours, contact details, links to the store's website/social media and an interactive map.

All of these features make is easy for you to quickly and effectively source what you are looking for.

searchsecondhand.com.au is unique in that it is not aimed solely at a specific style of second hand, such as vintage for example; it is designed to incorporate a wide range of categories and be the go to directory for ALL things second hand.

From building supplies to high end designer fashion, guitars to furniture, bridal gowns to gardening supplies......and everything in-between!